
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dear Alana,

Dear Alana,
            Hey baby girl I want to tell you about me that you don’t know yet. I see so much of me in you and would like to somewhat prepare you for life and what you have waiting for you.
            Starting with when I was your age I lived in Lake Oswego with Grandma Cherri and Grandpa Kent. I lived there tell I was around 12 or 13 from there I moved to Tualatin and was there for a year and completed fifth grade that summer I moved to the Beaverton Aloha area. There I had my own room with a waterbed and anything I could ever ask for from grandma and grandpa I was on the track and field team for three out of the four years I was in high school and one point my high school made state but I was not able to go since I was sick and they didn’t want me to compete since I had mononucleosis I was out of school and work for a month in this time I also lost my job because of it.

            After high school I met a very caring guy so I thought I was with him for three and a half years in the begging it was like a fairy tale and as the years pass things got really rocky and we started pushing each other away then we tried to work things out just like me and your father has done over the years because we love each other so very much. At that point in the relationship my boyfriend at the time got me into drinking and partying a lot and one thing led to another and got me doing drugs from weed to meth where I got hooked and was on meth for the last three months of our relationship so he could cheat on me with one of my so called friends at the time.  A few days after I found out about what he did got a call from Grandpa Kent to have me move back home so I could take care of him he would not tell me why I needed to help. So the day I went into work and talked to my boss at the time to let him know what was going on and that I had to move back home to take care of my dad. So I went home that day and packed up all of my belongings to move back home with Grandma and Grandpa where the in home nurse talked to me to let me know what going on with my father at that point I found out Grandpa was dying from Esophageal Cancer it was the hardest thing to hear that my father the only man in my life that I loved so much was dying. So after I found out I was home all day and worked night to help Grandma out with bills I took care of grandpa giving him all his meds and helping him get around the house and changing his IV’s and morphine drip so that way the last little bit of time he had left he was comfortable and not in too much pain. One day I had to work days and  so did grandma so we had Grandpas aunt and uncle come take care of him me not knowing that it was his last day I came home from work and made dinner Grandpa didn’t eat that night and asked if me and grandma could put him in bed so he could rest. Every few hours her and I would go check on him to make sure he was doing okay and not in a lot of pain it was my turn I went into the bedroom and went to his side and saw that his chest was not going up and down I felt for a pulse and felt nothing so I yelled for grandma she came down to the room to see him and she said that he was gone. That night Grandma and I went spent the night at great grandma’s house he sat up all night talking about grandpa the happy memories and the not so happy ones we even had a few laughs about how silly he was. A week later we had a funeral for him it was so beautiful one of grandmas friends that she worked with sang Andy Griggs - If Heaven it fill grandpa to a T everyone showed up even grandpas brothers and sister that we have not seen in a very long time. It was a good day to remember Grandpa and all the good that he did and to be around the family and see how much they really miss him. 

            The start of a new chapter the day I met your father it was just a normal day off from work I was going to go shopping and do a few other things I had planned then I get a text message from one of my coworker seeing if I wanted to go get lunch and maybe a drink with him and his friend I said yes why not I could put things on hold. So I started getting ready for them to stop by and pick me up. There was a knock on the door and grandma got it for me since I was still getting ready to go out it was 3:00pm I finished up and came out of the bathroom and there was my coworker and his friend your father I looked and him and smiled and he smiled back at me. So we left the house and went up the street to the little bar on the corner West Union Bar where we shot pool and had a few drinks. Then we went a crossed the street to grab and bit to eat at the Mad Greek Deli where we had dinner after we finished dinner we went back to West Union Bar for a few more games off pool and drinks by the time we left it was 10:30pm I got dropped off at home.
            The next day Dad called me and asked if I wanted to go out on a date I said yes. So we went out for dinner and a movie and drinks after the movie we did that for a few months dating and hanging out. On March 3rd daddy asked me out as his girlfriend I said yes after that about two months went past and we moved in together. From there we made a lot of new friends and started doing SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) events where we would get together with a big group of people and dress up like pirates for the weekend and drink and play games and playing with fire like fire dancing and breathing fire. A few months after that myself and dad moved into the beautiful house it had seven bedroom and three and a half baths three floors and a back yard that over looked a wet land it was dad and I and eight other people in the house. There were a lot of parties and drugs and other things that we did. Your dad and lived there for a year and it was fun but we were getting older and out of the partying life style so we moved out and got our own two bed room apartment. I was working full time and dad was working one full time job and one part time job. It was six months into living on our own and I found out that I was pregnant with you and I was still working I was always sick with heartburn so I had to switch my schedule at work and work evens and not mornings since I was late a lot and I needed to keep my job. Therefore, I was working for another three months and I get called into my bosses office. He said since I was always sick and missing a lot of work because of it he had to let me go I was not happy and neither was your dad but shit happens in life and you have to move on so dad kept his two jobs and I stayed home. It was about two months after I lost my job and your father said that we could not afford to live on our own so I thought let us get a roommate. So we had our friend Hillaree move in cause at that time see was working and pay rent that only lasted two weeks then she was fired so dad and I both decided to move in with Grandma Peggy. Not knowing that it was going to be the biggest mistake in our lives with me being pregnant with you and living with her. I was her house bitch since I was not working I cleaned every day had dinner ready by the time everyone got home did the laundry cleaned house and even packet and un packet stuff. Things where fine for a little while when we first moved in then we had a family reunion down at Sun river with daddy’s side of the family it was about four weeks before you were due when we wet and everyone was afraid that I was going to have you down their but I knew that would not happen. So after being down at Sun river for a week we came home the day after we came home we went and got pictures down for your baby book and a few for the wall. Two days later, I could not feel you moving very much so I went to the doctors and they said I could have you at any time well daddy and I went home. I was home for about three days and I told your father that it is time so we went to the hospital. The doctors checked me and said for me to go home and sleep so I did that night I said fuck it you were ready no matter what so we went back to the hospital where they hooked me up to all kinds of thing to watch you and make sure nothing bad happens. After a little while, my contractions started getting worse to the point where I was in tears because it hurt so badly. So buy that point they came in the room and gave me my epidural witch is a big long needle that they put in your back for pain. So after they did that I was able to sleep all night even when the nurses came in and checked to see how I was doing daddy was so tired because every time they would come in he would wake up but I would just sleep. I got about twelve hours of amazing sleep the best I think I ever had. It was around 10:00 am and the doctor came in this time to check me and she said that you were ready there was no way to keep you in. Therefore, she got everything ready for you to come in into the world. So when she got everything ready she told me to start pushing so I did in the process I was also thronging up. With a few short pushes your head popped out and the rest of your body followed I was the most happiest person in the world at that moment in time and I also seen your day cry for the first time ever he was like a little baby he was super happy to finely get to meet you.  We were able to go home the day after I had you so I was happy about it. The years went by as you got bigger and things started to go downhill at home. Grandma started being super bitchy toads me because I was doing less around the house. At that point I was also going to school full time and was only home for like two hours when I was awake the rest of the time when I was home I was asleep or taking care of you and all she did was sit in her office because at that point she was not working. So I thought she would start doing stuff around the house but nope I thought wrong she was even more lazy and not doing shit. So I decided to change schools and chose to go to a culinary school, which is where I am at now and almost done it has been a wonderful experience. I start my externship next month, I am super excited about it as well, and I cannot believe school is almost done and then I will be working with your father every day.

I Love you baby girl


You can talk to me about anything.   

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